"Mensen zijn
kwetsbare wezens, kwetsbaar ook voor de honger naar macht over anderen.
Repressieve bewegingen en regimes bespelen angsten, wakkeren ze aan, gebruiken
gevoelens van teleurstelling en vervreemding. De anderen worden als vreemden en
vijanden voorgesteld. Verschillen in levensvormen bieden daarvoor kansen, en
wie niet meegaan in collectieve angsten worden in persoon slachtoffers van
terreur. Maar dat hoeft niet het laatste woord te zijn. Wie zich niet laat
intimideren, draagt hoop uit, hoop op een veiliger en rechtvaardiger toekomst...
Geweld en angsten brengen afwijzing van mensen teweeg nog voordat men ze heeft leren kennen. Ook in onze tijd zijn mensen nodig die tegen die stroom in gaan. Oplettendheid, vasthoudendheid en strijdbaarheid zijn kwaliteiten die niet alleen in extreme omstandigheden onder repressieve regimes worden gevraagd."
Citaat uit vooraf in het boekje “Tegen
de stroom. Over mensen en ideeën die hoop geven in benarde tijden”
geschreven door Ernst Hirsch Ballin, hoogleraar der Rechtsgeleerdheid en o.a. voormalig
minister van Justitie, Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties.
Against the current
"People are fragile creatures, vulnerable also to the hunger for power over others. Repressive movements and regimes play on fears, they stir up, use feelings of disappointment and alienation. The others are presented as strangers and enemies. Differences offer life forms therefor opportunities, and who does not go along with collective fears are personally victims of terror. But that may not be the last word. Those who are not intimidated, carries hope, hope for a safer and more just future.
The experience of right and wrong of everyday. She lies both in the small things in life and in administrative decisions concerning the location of life for people who are looking for life prospects for themselves and their children. In one of the letters to Multatuli "(Ons Erfdeel 2011/3) David Van Reybrouck made it clear that colonialism and slavery are still working in our thinking about others. The ruling group is attributed superiority, often with the addition of their undeserved deficit is done and they finally must claim their share. But also fears for what seems strange, different, play a major role in setting people against others...
Violence and fears of rejection bring people cause before one she met. Also, people today need to go against the flow. Vigilance, tenacity and fighting spirit are qualities that not only in extreme circumstances under repressive regimes are asked."
Unofficial translation of a quote from the advance in the book "Against the current. About people and ideas that give hope in trying times" written by Ernst Hirsch Ballin, Professor of Law, former Minister of Justice, Interior and Kingdom Relations.
Against the current
"People are fragile creatures, vulnerable also to the hunger for power over others. Repressive movements and regimes play on fears, they stir up, use feelings of disappointment and alienation. The others are presented as strangers and enemies. Differences offer life forms therefor opportunities, and who does not go along with collective fears are personally victims of terror. But that may not be the last word. Those who are not intimidated, carries hope, hope for a safer and more just future.
The experience of right and wrong of everyday. She lies both in the small things in life and in administrative decisions concerning the location of life for people who are looking for life prospects for themselves and their children. In one of the letters to Multatuli "(Ons Erfdeel 2011/3) David Van Reybrouck made it clear that colonialism and slavery are still working in our thinking about others. The ruling group is attributed superiority, often with the addition of their undeserved deficit is done and they finally must claim their share. But also fears for what seems strange, different, play a major role in setting people against others...
Violence and fears of rejection bring people cause before one she met. Also, people today need to go against the flow. Vigilance, tenacity and fighting spirit are qualities that not only in extreme circumstances under repressive regimes are asked."
Unofficial translation of a quote from the advance in the book "Against the current. About people and ideas that give hope in trying times" written by Ernst Hirsch Ballin, Professor of Law, former Minister of Justice, Interior and Kingdom Relations.