Je hebt het gemerkt!
Ik ben aangetast door het Facebook-virus!
Ik ben aangetast door het Facebook-virus!
Na jaren van
terughoudendheid toch maar de stap gedaan.Ik wist niet
dat het zo makkelijk was vrienden terug te vinden. Na drie dagen
al 70 “vrienden” en vele rond de Noordpool staan nog uit. Met vele had ik
jaren geen contact. Ik ben zelfs weer in contact met familie gekomen. Ik heb moeite
met de woorden “vind ik leuk”, etc.“Elk voordeel heeft zijn nadeel” (Cruijff). Nu begrijp ik de
betekenis van sociale media in dit digitale tijdperk weer wat beter. Het is nog “ontdekken”
hoe een en ander het beste werkt.
noticed it! I am affected by the Facebook virus!
After years of reluctance , but nevertheless made the step. I did not know it was so easy to find friends back. After three days, all 70 "friends" around the North Pole and many are still standing out. With many years I had no contact . I have even been in contact with family. I have trouble with the word “I like it”, etc. "Every advantage has its disadvantage" (Johan Cruyff). Now I understand the significance of social media in the digital age a little better. It is still "discovering" how things work best.
After years of reluctance , but nevertheless made the step. I did not know it was so easy to find friends back. After three days, all 70 "friends" around the North Pole and many are still standing out. With many years I had no contact . I have even been in contact with family. I have trouble with the word “I like it”, etc. "Every advantage has its disadvantage" (Johan Cruyff). Now I understand the significance of social media in the digital age a little better. It is still "discovering" how things work best.